We invite researchers, practitioners, and professionals working at the intersection of AI, public policy, and civic engagement to join our upcoming hybrid workshop on Emerging Practices in Participatory AI Design in Public Sector Innovation. This workshop will explore critical themes and methods that facilitate public participation and community engagement --- in the scoping, design, and implementation of public sector algorithms that are more inclusive and responsive to public needs. We will explore the following themes:

1. Evaluating Emerging Participatory Methods

    We will assess various participatory design methods currently in use within public sector AI projects, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses in engaging communities. Participants will share insights on how these methods can be adapted or expanded to ensure more meaningful public involvement.

2. Assessing Key Elements that Enhance Participation and Documentable Outcomes.

    This theme focuses on identifying the essential elements that foster effective public participation in the public sector, as well as exploring documentable and/or measurable outcomes that can demonstrate the success of engagement efforts. We will discuss strategies for building trust, ensuring transparency, and capturing diverse perspectives necessary for equitable AI systems.

3. Embedding Participation Requirements in AI Procurement Contracts.

    As many cities acquire AI from private vendors, this theme will explore how public agencies can include participation requirements in procurement contracts. We will discuss how embedding these requirements can ensure accountability and alignment with public interests.

We encourage submissions in the form of 3-4 page papers, which can address any of the workshop’s themes or provide a motivation statement explaining your interest in participatory AI design. Submissions will be reviewed by two organizers, with an emphasis on both the quality of the work and ensuring a diverse, interdisciplinary group of participants. This is an opportunity to contribute to and help shape the evolving landscape of AI in public innovation. For more details about submission dates and guidelines, please visit the Dates page.

Submissions should be emailed to participatoryaidesign@gmail.com. We look forward to your participation!

Contact: participatoryaidesign@gmail.com